New Glow Ministries

We’re glad to welcome you to New Glow Ministries’ online presence! 

This is a place where God is saving, healing and delivering souls from the bondage of sin. We’re all about changing hearts and lives through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and the direction of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We want to make a lasting difference in your life, our community and the world. How do we go about that? Through a guided study of the Bible and theology, our presentations helps believers to grow in their faith by renewing their minds, inspiring a deeper love for Christ and prompting them to action because of the riches they’ve received in the Gospel.

“Our mission is to set people free in Christ from the enslavement of mundane Christian living and to spread His Good News with purposefulness and delight.”


Seeking the lost and restoring those who are broken through the power of the Holy Ghost. 


Ministering to man’s entire well being by restoring the image of God through His grace and the power of His Word.